Kiss, one of the most distinguished shock-rock bands to emerge from the twentieth century, is known for its original members who each created a unique stage persona with distinctive face paint and costumes. Stanley was the Starchild, Simmons the Demon, Frehley the Spaceman, and Criss the Catman. Their shocking live performances featured fire breathing, blood-spitting, smoking guitars, shooting rockets, levitating drum kits, and pyrotechnics, making every concert an unforgettable spectacle.
Main performer: Kiss
Tour name: Hot In The Shade
Name of the album they were promoting on the tour: Hot In The Shade
Opening or Supporting band(s): Slaughter
Date: Friday, August 3, 1990
Venue name: Miami Arena
Venue city, state: Miami, Florida
Seat number: Section 240 Row G Seat 10
Condition: As found and shown in images.
This ticket takes you back to the electrifying night of August 8, 1990, when Kiss rocked the Miami Arena with their “Hot In The Shade” tour. Tap into the unforgettable energy of Kiss promoting their “Hot In The Shade” album, with a powerful opening set by Slaughter.
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