Rose Macaulay tells the delightfully entertaining story of three English eccentrics, Aunt Dot, her niece Laurie, and Father Chantry-Pigg all bound for Turkey-supposedly to set up a religious mission there. But on arrival, Chantry-Pigg becomes fascinated with the challenge of climbing Mount Ararat while Aunt Dot endeavors to emancipate Turkish women into accepting strange Anglo-Saxon customs. Meanwhile Laurie, lovesick, daydreams of home and her handsome married cousin.
The Towers of Trebizond has poetic vision, exquisitely wrought prose, and an entertaining procession of extraordinary incidents. Beneath the satire, this is also the story of the conflict of love and conscience and the tension of guilt that arises from it.
Title: The Towers of Trebizond
Author: Rose Macaulay - one of the twentieth century's brilliant satiric writers. Among her other accomplished novels are Dangerous Ages, Crewe Train, and Keeping Up
Publisher: Carroll & Graff
Publication Date: 1992
Binding: Trade paperback
Language: English
Pages: 277
ISBN 0-88184-454-3
Measures approximately: 8 x 5 inches (21 x 14 cm.)
Condition of the book: Please see the images.
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